Writing and textuality in Late Antiquity (V-VII)
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11:00 to 12:00
From 03-06-24 to 07-06-24

In my lectures I will dwell on five Latin texts written during the late antique period, namely (a) the Expositio totius mundi et gentium, a 6th century technical treatise presumably translated from a lost Greek source and dealing with geographical and commercial questions, the two oracular texts (b) Sortes Sangallenses and (c) Sortes Sanctorum, both probably composed in France between the 4th and 5th c., (d) Sint Benedict’s Regula monachorum, written in Cassino during the first half of the 6th c. and (e) the Romana composed by the Eastern Roman historian Iordanes in 551 AD. In the discussion and presentation of the texts I will focus on four closely intertwined aspects, i.e., the manuscript tradition and the difficulties in reconstructing the author’s original(s), non-standard linguistic features related to spoken and ‘vulgar’ language, socio-linguistic factors (particularly relevant for (b) and (c)) and non-standard features ascribable to Greek influence (especially in the case of (a)).